
Book review: Behind the Curtain

This book was awsome i took the test and got 9/10. It was so googd it gives you 61,500 aND MAYBE A LITTLE MORE. It was about htis girl that was sighned to a math competiton and never went why you need to find out. It was some kidnapper that kidnapped her and it was on of her teacher. Nobody actually believed her until she found proof. This book is awsome is sooooo cool and read the whole book.


Lessons from a dead girl

This book is incrediously interesting its one of the best books that i have ever read. If you like storys where friendships have problems. I thought i was boring but then i decide to read it and it turned out to be so good that i read it in 2 days.



Everyone loves soccer do you! Soccer was invented in china in 1863 but,they didn't use the balls we use they used leatherballs.Although they invented the England people invented the rules of the game.Only 11 players can play in a real soccer match.They exchange jerseys because they show sportmanship and equality.SoIf your a boy and even a girl and you like soccer play it.


My Grandpa

MY grandpa is the best of the grandpas you can have. He works in constuction in mexico baja california. He walks 1 hour to go to work. He is 65 years old, he works all day until 7:00. He is so nice to us beacuse he loves us and don't see us until vacation. He has a apartment were we hang out and play. I love him and want him to live forever.


My Grandma

MY grandma is the BEST she takes care uf us and we have fun together. She does amazing food and tse good to. She takes care of 5 kids even thought shes 56 she takes care of herself and goes up and down walking i think shes going to live for a long time.She brings a lot of memories form her past. She is fun to hang out with but when we dont behave good its like the end of the worl ( just idding. She talks to us about anything and we go to the movies and she dont embarrased us at all Good huh. Well thats all i can tell you about my Grandma next is my granpa bextg week I love my grandparents.

Power Point Option: Micheal Jackson

My ppt option to write about is Micheal Jackson the king of pop. I know its late but its going to be excellent and understandable to all. Why did he change of color you can find that in my ppt.And lots more about him.

Brain Pop: Bullying

I watched a brain pop video about bullying. It made me think why do people bully and it gave me the answer anybody who bullies trying to cover up something or just being mean.It tells you just to walk away,tell a teaher,or tell the bully their making you feel bad.So I took the quiz and i passed i got 10/10.So watche the video it only takes 4 to 5 min of your life.

Brain Pop: Sleep

i watched Brain pop Video about sleep it tells you why you sellepwalk and dream.
You dream because of something called Rapid eye movement and you dream because of something called non-rapid-eye movemet. Every animal sleeps at different times and posture.
Anyway when i took the quiz i got 10/10. When ever you have time watch it and see why you dream and sleepwalk.


My Cousin From Mexico

My cousin came from mexico she brings a lot of memories and her culture. she is fuin to hang out with even thought she is 10. Shes mostly talks spanish caouse well she from mexico.she likes Mexican food and american to. We have lot in common. She Is in the 5th grade and nows a lot of math and geography.I love her but pretty soon she has to leave. :( But she tells us about our family memebers living there and bring us stuff. Her name is -----.

Brain pop : email and IM

I was watching a brainpop video about Email And IM it teaches you about how it all works.
It talks about computers and safety and severs. i took the test and got 9/10 thats good but you can do better. So take a look.


Twighlight Review

Last year when I was in the Six grade I read Twilight a good book and movie. It has anything you want in a book Romance,Action,Comedy,suspence and maybe even horror. Well first of all the characters Bella and Edward fall in love after they get used to each other. One thing, is that Edward is a vampire and Bella is not.So you think how do they get along well find out. Check out the book at a local library or a school library just ask your libarian to find it !!




Brokenfriendship is a story about a girl named who shares eveything to with friend. Then, they shared passward (Bad idea).Later these popular girl convinced her friend to give them the passward and well she did. Afterthat those girl send her pics without her clothes and now everyone makes fun of her. Well now she has no friends.

Life Lesson: If I ever have any freind that I share everything with her I'll never share my passward. Make that be a lesson never share passward cause it will make your life miserable.


Happy Birthday (in July)


I Marsela want to celebrate some B-day today in July Like

Antonio Barajas July 19th

Marsela Barajas July 19th

William Rodriguez 20th

Marcella Barajas July 5th

Edward Celio July 17th

Yudith Roman July 8th

And Many More!!!