
Wild rivers

OMG i was so glad that i finally went to a water park i was so :o excited that i was so eager that i fell. LoL my friends were laughing how rude huh. :-< i was so bruised on my knee that they didn't even care so i just left to a ride. We got some food. I got a hotdog with fries and coke. I was sooo Full. After that they were all like lets go home. ME and My friends wer all sad.:(. So they decided to sta y for two more hours. Guess what Ahh we couldnt find our little 4 year old cousin!! JIC we looked in the food table and kids games and finally the gift shop. My Moms Cousin was soo sad and Worried who wouldnt be ;'. Finally we went to the place were they find lost kids and they said he went to the slides. We were l-O and we left.



Ms.Conrath is a excellent teacher. She is a 6th grade english and history teacher in LA Academy Middle School. SHe don't let girls (little students who could get overcaffeinated and bounce off the walls) drink coffee.!!! So mean!!! Anyway she works in the school newspaper and is the boss. SHe was born in Chicago,Illinois. She was born in April 23,1984.



The "Father of American Football", Walter C. Camp was a football coach and a sports writer and the one who invented football. His name became is legend in the American Football history. He took the rugby game to the next level and invented football. He borrowed term from the rugby game and applied it to football; in rugby, five guys lined-up and are called scrum; in football, he change the five guys to seven guys forming the offensive line, this is called the Line of Scrimmage. Get it? Scrum and scrimmage?Ok hate this sport but, i love the team Raiders. My FAVORITE FOTBALL TEAM IS THE !!!RAIDERS!! !!!GO TEAM!!!


American began playing baseball on informal teams, using local rules, in the early 1800s. By the 1860s, the sport, unrivaled in popularity, was being described as America's "national pastime."
Alexander Joy Cartwright (1820-1892) of New York invented the modern baseball field in 1845. Alexander Cartwright and the members of his New York Knickerbocker Base Ball Club, devised the first rules and regulations for the modern game of baseball.Baseball was based on the English game of rounders. Rounders become popular in the United States in the early 19th century, where the game was called "townball", "base", or "baseball". Cartwright formalized the modern rules of baseball.
The first recorded baseball game in 1846 when Alexander Cartwright's Knickerbockers lost to the New York Baseball Club. The game was held at the Elysian Fields, in Hoboken, New Jersey. In 1858, the National Association of Base Ball Players, the first organized baseball league was formed. I played basball for two weeks and i disliked it. But MY FAVORITE TEAM IS !THE DODGERS! !!!GO TEAM!!!



Basketball was invented in 1891 by James Naismith. He did this by attaching two peach basket and putting then on two 10ft. ladders on each side. He used a soccerball scince it was easier to catch. Basketball♥ was first played 1700 years ago.WOW!! I used to play basketball and i loved it but, now i don't. I do like it and play it once a week but it not that fun for me. When i used to play it was fun and excited. It was a great sport not like soccer you have to do it with you'r feet. Anyways this is a great sport everybody should play it. It gives you great excersise. My ULTIMATE FAVORITE TEAM is THE LAKERS !!! GO TEAM!!