
Wild rivers

OMG i was so glad that i finally went to a water park i was so :o excited that i was so eager that i fell. LoL my friends were laughing how rude huh. :-< i was so bruised on my knee that they didn't even care so i just left to a ride. We got some food. I got a hotdog with fries and coke. I was sooo Full. After that they were all like lets go home. ME and My friends wer all sad.:(. So they decided to sta y for two more hours. Guess what Ahh we couldnt find our little 4 year old cousin!! JIC we looked in the food table and kids games and finally the gift shop. My Moms Cousin was soo sad and Worried who wouldnt be ;'. Finally we went to the place were they find lost kids and they said he went to the slides. We were l-O and we left.