
My choice for my Apartment Therapy

I have been looking for my shopping list for my new apartment.(when I'm 18 shh) i Have been looking for my new apartment when i grow up.And here are 1 of my choices for my room.I chose this room because it is calm and relaxing.You can find more apartment therapy 4 your apartment!!!


Boys,boys,boys do read!!!!!

I cant believe boys read jkjkjk. A couple of boys come to me and ask me for fiction and or science fiction. I have found to great fantasy books that i personally read. And to science fiction books that people recommended me. So now I'm recommending them those 4 books.One book is Just Another Hero by Sharon draper. This book is not about real heroes it is about a girl named Arielle who has no friend of what happened in the past. She then is now friends with them again and feels great. This is a book about a boy feeling that he can do something to help his friends in the room. There is more details if you read the book. Another book that i read is Jason and Kyra,this book is about make ups and break up. Scince they are very good readers they are mature enough idk. This is a book about a unpopular girl who dislikes this popular guy. She doesn't want to be with him because she thinks he is dumb or a jerk. When they get paired up to do a project they fall in love. So the guys girlfriend get mad dumps him and know he is going out with an unpopular girl read the story for more.I recommend this book to them bcause they read alot and of course they should be mature so thats why. K!

Earthquakes dundundun....

OK 3 6th graders are learning about earthquakes,I've chosen to help them. So one recourse i went to is digital library and i clicked on a link called Britannica online. 3 links came on that said Elmenatry,highschoo,and middle school. I can tell you that middle schoool is beterr scince we are in middle Then on the search box i typed in the words Earthquakes. Varios of ither links came in so all of them are good. So i helped them and my reward is a good grade lol.


Buy that special gift in 6101

Valentine is almost here. 6101 is providing us with Valentine present for that someone special or a friend. You can buy: A bear whether it is Small, medium and big also a flower. There is also going to be a dance on the 10 of this month.


1000awsomethings vs.

OK i been called by the guest judge, Justin Beiber to be a judge of personal blogs.It is down to 2 This is the most top mission of the month. Ive seen and read some post 1000awsomethings and !000awsomethings is funny and fun on the other hand thisisindexed is not understandable to me. 1000... is the most funny and the one i vote for.(going back to the real world) So the winner that i think is going to win is 1000AWSOMETHINGS.COM in my opinion.

My choices

A 6th grader teacher came to the right perosn to look for riddles and math problems. I epecially now a good place to look and that place is the library. I went to the librarie catolag(a good place to look)and put the words math puzzles and math riddles. there were 10 or mor e book and narrorowed down to 2. NUmber puzzles andAbc math riddles. the callback number for Abc math riddles is510 Mar. For the book Number puzzle the callback number is 793.7. Those are the one i choose. Stay tune for other post adn request.